At A Glance
The State of Illinois is investing in battery-electric vehicles with:
  • The purchase of 15 Mitsubishi i-MiEV cars.
  • The planned purchase of additional battery-electric vehicles.
  • The installation of 33 Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations.

In summer 2012, the State of Illinois received its first battery-electric vehicles — 15 Mitsubishi i-MiEV cars — which were distributed in strategic locations throughout the State. With successful implementation of these vehicles in place, the State may expand its electric vehicle (EV) fleet with the purchase of additional electric vehicles.

Will Walker, deputy director of the Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS), which oversees the Fleet Division, said, “With the high cost of fuel these days, we wanted to look at alternate and greener forms of transportation…We want to embrace new technology, and we think government can lead the way in new technology.”

According to Fleet Manager Ken Miller, Illinois has five EVs in Chicago, five in Springfield, and five scattered across the State.

“We gave them to agencies with large campuses they need to cover,” such as the Department of Human Services and the Department of Corrections, he explained. “It’s a great application for them. They like it; they’re driving around the campuses. Every couple of days, they can just plug them in.”

While official numbers aren’t yet in, Miller calculates that since vehicles are replacing gasoline-powered cars traveling approximately 12,000 miles per year and averaging 20 mpg, each EV on the road amounts to a savings of 600 gallons of gasoline per year.

The State purchased the initial 15 vehicles using an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant, which covered the cost of the vehicles as well as the purchase of 25 hybrid vehicles and 33 Level 2 charging stations.

Changing Driver Mentality

CMS staff has kept in close contact with EV drivers to get driver input on the cars and to see how they’re using them. Walker said that while some are slower to embrace change, others “are very excited about the car. They enjoy driving it, they like the different technology, and they think it’s kind of fun.”

To make the vehicles more accessible to the motor pool drivers who use them, CMS held classes about the EVs that include information about how an electric vehicle works and how it runs, also covering range anxiety and fueling options.

“[Drivers] need to plan their trips a little ahead of time so they know how many miles they’re going to go, or if they’re going to be in a meeting a long time, can they plug in?” Walker explained. “It requires a different mindset.”

The State is currently in the process of installing 33 electric vehicle charging stations with the same grant funding used to purchase the cars. Photo Courtesy of State of Illinois

The State is currently in the process of installing 33 electric vehicle charging stations with the same grant funding used to purchase the cars.


Photo Courtesy of State of Illinois

However, Walker said it’s no different than it’s been in the past, pointing to fueling gasoline-powered vehicles in the 1960s and ’70s—“Gas stations weren’t open [all the time]. You had to plan a little bit; you had to think about your travel.” He added, “As new technology comes out, people have to again plan on how to best use their EV while infrastructure is put in place for the charging stations.”

Additionally, to provide assistance to the drivers who would be using the vehicles infrequently, Illinois CMS created laminated, quick fact sheets for every vehicle, with details on vehicle use. They include basic instructions on how to start the car and include pictures of what certain lights and icons mean in the vehicle interior. For example, drivers might be used to hearing the hum of an engine as an indicator that the car is on, whereas EVs have different indicators.

CMS provides  a map of quick chargers in all Chicago-area EVs so drivers can take advantage of the already-established charging infrastructure in Chicago.

For vehicles outside Chicago, CMS is in the process of installing 33 Level 2 charging stations, which will speed up charging to four to six hours. Walker said CMS is focusing these stations around the suburbs of Chicago, and in Springfield and the surrounding suburbs.


Expanding EV Use

The first 15 vehicles were purchased through a competitive bidding process, with Mitsubishi coming in with the lowest bid. For the rest of the vehicles, Walker said he would ideally like to see a diverse EV fleet, made up of different types of vehicles, although the type of cars the State can buy will also depend on the lowest bidder.

The EV expansion plan has support from Governor Pat Quinn’s office. Eric ­Heineman, senior sustainability advisor for the governor said, “Governor Quinn wants Illinois to be the greenest state in America. By purchasing 15 Mitsubishi electric vehicles for our State fleet and installing the densest network of cutting-edge fast-chargers at our Tollway Oases, Illinois will continue to support green jobs and provide people with environmentally-friendly and affordable travel options.”

The State of Illinois distributed its Mitsubishi  i-MiEV vehicles to agencies with large campuses. Photo courtesy of State of Illinois

The State of Illinois distributed its Mitsubishi
i-MiEV vehicles to agencies with large campuses.

Photo courtesy of State of Illinois

Purchase of the electric vehicles is part of a State-wide greening initiative that includes reducing fuel use, increasing use of E-85 ethanol fuel, reducing idling, increasing teleconferencing to reduce miles traveled, and increasing use of car-sharing services such as Zipcar. Even some car-sharing vehicles are electric — eight Zipcar EVs available for State fleet usage allow more State employees a chance to drive an electric vehicle, even if their departments don’t have one.

“Green fleet” mandates are continuing to tally up nationwide as government agencies commit to greening strategies. And while Illinois has made the decision to expand EV use, what will it take for other government agencies follow suit? Walker thinks desire and infrastructure are two things that will drive growth of EVs in the government sector. “It depends on what the priority is in the State and what their needs are,” he said. While a rural area might not find a use for an EV due to range limitations, it’s certainly good for use in urban areas and more manageable distances.

“It’s the right thing to do environmentally,” Walker said. “You don’t have any exhaust, there’s no damage to the environment, and of course, there is no fuel cost.”


  • Eric Heineman, senior sustainability advisor, State of Illinois
  • Ken Miller, fleet manager, Central Management Services, State of Illinois
  • Will Walker, deputy director, Central Management Services, State of Illinois

Originally posted on Government Fleet

About the author
Thi Dao

Thi Dao

Former Executive Editor

Thi is the former executive editor of Government Fleet magazine.

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