Transitioning to an electric fleet is a lot more complicated than simply remarketing...

Transitioning to an electric fleet is a lot more complicated than simply remarketing gasoline-fueled vehicles and buying electric ones.

Element Fleet Management

Element Fleet Management has introduced “Arc by Element,” an end-to-end electric vehicle (EV) fleet tool to help clients navigate and streamline the transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to EVs.

“We have seen a significant increase in client interest in moving their fleets ‘from grey to green’ through EV adoption,” said Jay Forbes, Element president and CEO. “Arc by Element has been designed to simplify our clients’ transitions through fleet electrification and, in doing so, de-risk the advancement of a critical component of their ESG [environmental, social, and governance] principles and business strategies."

The new tool aims to aid fleets with “holistic support” in the transition strategy, planning, and implementation of a transition to EVs, including change management, data-driven pilot programs, integration with corporate ESG mandates, plans for EV infrastructure and charging solutions, driver reimbursement arrangements, and training.

Originally posted on Automotive Fleet

About the author
Cindy Brauer

Cindy Brauer

Former Managing Editor

Cindy Brauer is a former managing editor for Bobit Business Media’s AutoGroup. A native of Chicago but resident of Southern California since her teens, Brauer studied journalism and earned a communications degree at California State University Fullerton. Over her career, she has written and edited content for a variety of publishing venues in a disparate range of fields.

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