Forest Grove Light & Power unveiled a presentation that detailed how it plans to promote...

Forest Grove Light & Power unveiled a presentation that detailed how it plans to promote sustainable transportation alternatives.

At a Forest Grove, Ore., City Council meeting on Aug. 10, Forest Grove Light & Power unveiled a presentation that detailed how it plans to promote sustainable transportation alternatives.

The plan states the city hopes to increase awareness and knowledge of electric vehicles and available electric vehicle charging stations; further incorporate EV or hybrid vehicles into the city's fleet; and increase access to EV charging stations in Forest Grove.

Forest Grove Light & Power currently owns and maintains eight publicly accessible Level 2 charging stations, but the city-owned utility hopes to increase that number to 12 with the addition of four new stations, according to Forest Grove News Times.

The total cost of the new chargers comes out to $55,000, of which the city must pay only $9,000 due to a grant from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, which is covering the units themselves ($16,000), the installation ($20,000), and five years' worth of networking and service fees ($5,000).

Originally posted on Government Fleet

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